Paata Chitorelidze was born in 1977. He studied in 61st and afterwards in 199th Vladimir Komarov Physics-Mathematics Public Schools. He received his university education in Tbilisi State University in the fields of commerce and marketing. He obtained his Master’s Degree in Business Administration from ESM.
The name of Paata Chitorelidze is well known in the Georgian Banking Sector. In 2001-2008 he held different leading positions in TBC Bank, including Head of the Corporate Rehabilitation Department. In 2018, while holding the position of deputy director of corporate and investment bank business, he decided to put all his efforts into a Construction Company founded by him.
Paata Chitorelidze established “Element Construction” in 2007. According to his decision, the criteria and values of the company were determined from the beginning: quality and safety. “Element Construction” under the aforesaid name was able to establish itself as a distinguished brand on the construction market. The ever growing projects quantities soon gave the company an opportunity to expand. According to Paata Chitorelidze, “Element Construction” turned into a sort of a platform, where, at first glance, the construction workers are capable of realizing even unimaginable projects. Manned with experienced personnel, the team is capable of executing projects of all difficulties, while offering the clients innovative construction solutions. According to the statement of Paata Chitorelidze, in parallel with continuous development and novelties, Element Construction spins off one invariable rule – maximal responsibility before the client and own employees.

Levan Beradze - Founder
Date of birth: 04.09.1974
Graduated from the Technical University of Georgia in 1996, majoring in Construction Economics and Management. He continued his studies in Münster Technical University in Germany in 1998 - specializing in Construction Management.
Along with receiving his education, in 2000-2003 he worked for German construction company Rukwerk as a production worker. In 2003-2005 he worked in the same position at Brefeld.
In 2005, after graduating from the
University of Münster, Levan Beradze returned to Georgia and
founded the construction company Element Construction in 2007. The
implementation of the principles of the German construction
industry has been successful. The company soon became a well-known
and trusted brand in the market. Today, Element Construction is the
author of many recognized constructions in civil, industrial, or
hydraulic engineering.